Change of Seasons

Monday, September 24, 2012 |

I know, I know, it's officially fall but I'm just not ready to accept this minor seasonal detail.

Remember when you were a child and everything was the best because you were young and carefree? Well, I had one of those summers. It was the best

I've been really bad about posting so I'll have to do a highlight of the season. Our summer was filled with fun times, great friends and family ~ a recipe for the best summer ever! :)

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We spent a fabulous day at the Americas Cup Series. It was a gorgeous day. The weather was absolutely perfect! There was a light breeze, it was sunny and low humidity. It was so nice to have a laid back day with Kevin.

*I learned the hard way of the importance of good {as in not the cute and fun ones} sunglasses after spending the entire day in hazy sun reflecting off the water. I burned my retinas and am still paying for this many weeks later!*

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We celebrated holidays and many special times. 

My sweet son surprised me with a package of Lilly goodies.  It was filled with all the important essentials for days at the beach! Yup, I raised him right :)

I'm going to miss dinners on the patio with fresh farmer's market goodies. Not to mention my favorite summer sipper ~ ruby red grapefruit margaritas. 

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We were so fortunate to spend lots of time with good friends {welcome baby Graham} attended local events, and got away for a great vacation compliments of my husband planning.

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Best of all, was the time I spent with my family! I love them tons. If only they didn't live so far away.  Nicholas wasn't exactly "feeling" like photos after his day of golfing {and they say girls are the emotional ones ~ Ha!}

The weather hasn't made too big of a shift towards fall yet so I'm trying to hold on to the warm sunshine filled days and ignore the reports that we are in for a cold snowy winter. 

Yes, denial is my best friend! :)

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Suburban Princess said...

It looks like an amazing summer!!
Glad you are back blogging!

Blondie's Journal said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful summer, your pictures show that! It all went so fast! I really cherish the days we spent with family, they are the best!

Have a wonderful week!


carolinagirl said...

Oh, I am right there with you...just a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can't even enjoy fall for the dread of winter that follows! Bleh!

Roz said...

It's more important to have tons of wonderful family memories than anything else in life. You are very well loved in your life . . . and that's a beautiful thing! Thanks for posting again,

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Jo,

Looks like your had a wonderful summer and I enjoyed seeing your neat photos.
Great to be able to spend time with your lovely family.

Happy week

Magnolia Blues said...

Oh wow! I've always wanted to attend the America's Cup. It looks like a great time. Such beautiful vessels. I've always wanted to learn to sail after going on my friend's boat.

I'm happy to hear that you and your family had a fantastic summer. You looked beautiful in your white dress and hat.


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great pics! Looks like you had a great time. Hope your eyes are better!

Kathy said...

What a beautiful recap of your summer! Love the photo of you at the America's cup. I hope your school year is off to a great start!

Brooke said...

Looks super yummy!


Lori said...

Jo, that's SO wonderful that you had such a fabulous summer!! I love all the pictures and the recap, you have some great men in your life!
So what's the skinny on this wintry forecast?!? Just local or do we get in on it too?!!:))

Sheri said...

Wow Jo - that looks awesome. I'm going to make that for my Aunt who just came home from the hospital. Thanks for sharing. My cake pic is showing up now if you want to check it out again :) Thanks for letting me know.

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