First Snow

Thursday, January 3, 2013 | | 10 comments

There is something so magical about the first real {as in more than just a dusting} snow of the season. 
It's soft white blanket covers all the brown and barren from the final days of fall. So pretty and peaceful!

 The forecast was to have flakes flying by afternoon. I waited ... and waited ... and waited. NOTHING! Just when I was about to give up hope, white fluffy dots began to float from the sky. YAY! Snow brings out the kid in you. After dinner I talked Kevin and boys into a walk through the neighborhood.
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Bentley wasn't into stopping for pictures. We tried to get him to look at the camera. Nope!

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Let's get this show on the road people!

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 Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

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The homes in our subdivision look so pretty dressed up for the holidays. I just wish my photos were better. It's rather difficult to shoot a camera, walk a dog and not slip on the snow and ice. 

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Pretty lights in the window just make it so warm and cozy!

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Heading home to warm up by the fire.

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Just in case you needed a closeup of these delicious treats from my cookie exchange. They are so yummy.

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Still in the season

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 | | 7 comments

December 2012 010

  This has been a busy and emotional holiday season. After what happened in Newtown CT my heart has had a hard time with cheer and celebration. I've also been missing my sweet boy Nicholas. He spent Christmas down south with Morgan and her family. They had a great time, and her family was so sweet to him {thank you!} but it just isn't the same without him. 

  Christmas Eve dawned with a last minute rush first thing in the morning. By mid afternoon life had settled down and I was looking forward to our evening candlelight service at church. 

 For as long as I can remember, my family has held the tradition of seafood on Christmas Eve. This year I took the easy road and prepared a seafood stew. Not only was it simple to prep and prepare, it was delicious! We will be revisiting this recipe again for sure! I'll share the recipe.PicMonkey Collage

As we were about to walk out the door I realized that I had just shared at dinner that I've been slacking on photos and would like to get a shot or two of us before we left for church.

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Christmas Eve service was beautiful! It was just what my soul needed to put the perspective back in place. Our pastor touched upon the families that are hurting as they deal with their losses as well as reminding us of the true reason and celebration of the season.

After we returned home, with a quiet and calm heart, I put the finishing details on our Christmas so that we could relax and enjoy a slow paced Christmas morning.

December 2012 049

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