It's a 50mm lens that a friend of ours suggested as the next purchase for my new camera. I'm very excited about my new gift but, oh so overwhelmed. I've taken a couple of classes and they have been helpful but, I still feel like I'm in the dark and my pictures reflect it!
When I'm in the class I "get it" but when I go to pick up my camera several days later, my memory is blank, my notes don't seem to make sense and I feel like I'm starting all over. It's very frustrating taking the same picture in different settings trying to find the one that looks the best ~ it also puts a damper on catching the moment. My family has to stay frozen in their poses for minutes (many, many) at a time. They cringe and cry when they see me pull my camera out of the bag and, beg me not to torture them. The dog just lays down and whines. Who can blame them?!
I need more hours in the day to perfect my new interest that is quickly becoming a chore rather than enjoyment.
When I visit other blogs their pictures are beautiful ~ the lighting is just right, colors are clear, food shots look delicious, subjects are happy and, the photographer is delighted to share with others.
Any simple suggestions? Ugh!
Anyone looking for a new camera? I may know of one for sale in
the very near future! ;)
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OH, I feel your pain! My sister is the photographer in the family... when I take a picture of ONE thing, I take one on alomst every setting and just cross my fingers and hope for the best!
I think your pictures look great! Remember... we won't know if we don't try:D
Oh I am sorry to read of your camera woes! Yes, it is hard to figure out all the settings, etc...too bad there can't be an easy service with a live human tutorial so you don't have to spend hours reading a manual! :-)
My camera right now is not terrific so if I need a photo for a post that doesn't require family members, etc...I go to "Google Images" and you can download free pictures of just about anything!
Good luck with your project!
With love from Colorado,
Denise :-)
That is a great lens....they are good for taking pictures of people!! I keep forgeting, what kind of camera do you have? If Canon, I would be happy to share the limited knowledge I I have said before, one photography crash course weekend and I have just enough to be dangerous:)
Have fun!!
Oh Jo I am so bad at camera stuff. I can ask my sister and get back to you.
She is really good.
The crown came from Mary here in Blogland.
I have her blog highlighted on the post by her name in "red". Click it and it will take you to hers. She was such a dear to offer them to all bloggers for purchase. Leave her a comment. She may have more.
She is a sweetheart.
Please come back and follow my blog!
I can't tell you enough how much I use that nifty little feature.
Thanks for coming by and your kindness.
I'll come back and read your previous post in just a bit. I think the academy is calling me. LOL!
~Melissa :)
Never mind, I see you as a follower now.
Thank You! :)
I also now realize Fleur-de-lis only capitalizes the first letter by looking at your blog name.
I saw it like that today on Wikipedia and still didn't post it correctly.
How fun! I have a new camera and I am still on automatic!:(
Have fun!
-sandy toe
Me too. Some of my come out good but I can not get the shutter speed to work right when I need it too...lots of blurry pics when the lights are dim. I need to take the time to practice too I guess. But I do enjoy my new canon rebel. I just got a lens that is 75mm to 250mm and some of the pics come out so good. I like you pics...especially the one you took of yourself with your new hairdo.
We were out of school all week last week too...I felt so bad for my kids this morning. It was nice having them around last week.
I got a new camera for Christmas and I have not seem much improvement in my photos! I just need to read the manual, so I can learn how to get those pretty pictures that everyone else is taking.
Your pics are very good though...and it sounds like you have a very NICE camera and HUSBAND!
I'm right there with you! I'm a hit and miss photographer. I simply have no real idea as to what the heck I'm doing.
I would love to take a class someday though. I shoot mainly on Manual and let's just say they don't always turn out too great. Enjoy the new lens I have the very same one.
I need a new camera. Seems like everyone out here in Blogland loves the Canon Rebel...but it kind of scares me since I'm more a point and shoot kind of gal! What kind of camera do you have?
Hi Jo,
I wanted to come back and say thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement.
They really did help me feel better. You are so right. I have to trust.
I'm sorry about what happened to you guys before with the sudden change. That must have been a shock to say the least. Ugh!
Our move will most likely be to Pax River, MD.
I'm sure you may know of it since it's a Navy Base.
Have a wonderful evening.
~Melissa :)
Oh you lucky duck!! I'm mighty jealous of that 50mm lense your husband surprised you with. How sweet is he to do that! That lense is next on my purchase list.
Ok, let me tell you what helped me the most after I got my camera. I bought the Digital Field Guide for my camera...its SO much easier to understand than the little manual that comes with it. (And it has pictures.) They make one for just about every camera on the market. I guarantee Amazon would carry it.
I also would buy The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby. He has a few sequels but I would start with the first one. He writes exactly how to get a certain picture without using all the technical photo language that can be so confusing.
And I would almost guarantee that most photos you see on blogs have been edited in one way or another to so look bright and vivid. (mine included!)
Hang in there! From the photos I've seen on your're doing awesome! Those photos you took of all the plant urns look great!
I too got a new camera for Christmas (Rebel XSi) and I've been wanting this lens. Have you enjoyed it? The major camera store in town is going out of business and everything is on sale right now. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it.
P.S. I struggle with the same frustrations about photography.
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